Tuesday 25 August 2015

Proximity Housing Grant - HDB

Announced by PM during the National Day Rally 2015, the Proximity Housing Grant (PHG) further helps extended families to buy a resale flat to live together or close to their families for mutual care and support. Singles can also enjoy the PHG when they buy a resale flat with their parents.

Eligibility Conditions

CitizenshipYou are a Singapore Citizen. Your family nucleus must comprise at least another Singapore Permanent Resident or a Singapore Citizen.

At least one of your parents or married child must be a Singapore Permanent Resident or a Singapore Citizen. 
AgeYou must be aged 21 years or above.
Family NucleusYou are applying with your:
  • spouse and children (if any), or
  • fiancé/fiancée (must be able to produce your marriage certificate, latest by the date of completion of the flat purchase), or
  • children under your legal custody, care and control (if widowed or divorced)
Household Status
  • You have not taken the PHG previously

  • Your parents/ married child are:
    - living with you in the resale flat
    - owner-occupants of property in the same town or within 2km
  • Your parents/ married child are:
    - living with you in the resale flat
Remaining Lease of Flat 
(applicable to resale applications received on or after 1 July 2013)
30 years or more

Visit the Centralised Map Services to find out flat lease details.

Type of Grant and Grant Amount

Type of Grant
Singles buying resale flat with parents

Effective Date

Resale applications received from 24 August 2015 onwards

Last Updated on 24 Aug 2015

Source: HDB