Wednesday 25 November 2015

New record: Pinnacle@Duxton flat sold for over $1.08m - AsiaOne

SINGAPORE - A flat in Pinnacle@Duxton sold this month has set a new record with its selling price - $1,088,000.

Lianhe Zaobao said that the price per square feet, $945, is believed to be the highest for a 5-room flat in Singapore.

According to information posted on the Housing Board's website, the "S2" unit is on 43rd to 45th floor and is 107 square meters.

The seller's agent told Zaobao: "The unit faces Keppel Terminal, has a sea view, is not bothered by noise from the main road, and does not face the west." He said that Pinnacle@Duxton's location remains its biggest selling point.

The unit was put up for sale half a year ago, and attracted many viewers. However, the earlier offers did not match the seller's expectation.

The agent said that the buyer is a new citizen who had seen many other Pinnacle@Duxton units previously.

Zaobao understands that the flat's selling price is about $1 million, and the buyer had to cough up over $80,000 cash-over-valuation.

Another property agent involved in this sale said that most potential buyers looking at Pinncacle@Duxton flats are high-income earners in their 30s to 50s; many are new citizens.

When Pinnacle@Duxton flats were launched in 2004, prices range from $288,400 to $451,500 for the more than 1,800 units available, Zaobao reported. Owners started putting their units up for sale from the end of last year, after they fulfilled the five-year minimum occupation period.

To date, 119 units - 33 5-room units and 86 4-room units - have changed hands.

Friday, Nov 20, 2015