Tuesday 26 January 2016

Stocks rout adds to property market woes - AsiaOne

Some analysts believe the private housing market is a resilient one, given the rise in volume of private home sales last year and the mere 0.5 per cent quarter-on-quarter dip in the official private housing price index in the fourth quarter - the smallest fall since prices peaked in Q3 2013.

But weak economic growth, job-market concerns, rising interest rates and the ongoing stock market rout are coming together to put a damper on the outlook for this segment of the residential property market.

Property consultants say the impact of the diving stock markets will vary on potential property buyers, depending on their profile, but there is little running away from the fact that a weak stock market makes most people feel poorer, and will rub off on sentiment in the property market.

Savills Singapore research head Alan Cheong said: "The sharp stock market decline may strike fear in the hearts of potential buyers even if they can afford to buy. Therefore, until the problems affecting stocks are resolved, market transaction volumes in the private residential sector could languish, with developers holding back new launches and buyers going back into their shells."

The reduced level of interest in the resale market brought about by the weak stock market could further soften prices in the first half of the year.

"If it hadn't been for the ill wind from the stock market, we believe that prices in the resale market would have begun to turn around by mid-2016," he said.

JLL's head of Singapore and South-east Asia research Chua Yang Liang is more sanguine about the impact of the stock market on the private housing market, where activity has already slowed on the back of government policies.

He said: "The 7,440 and 7,316 private homes sold by developers in 2015 and 2014 reflect the underlying demand; most of these people are buying for their own needs.

"But those who are purchasing second or third properties or buying for investment, that is, those who do not need to buy a property now or the marginal buyers and fence-sitters - they may delay their purchase."

Agreeing, Knight Frank chairman Tan Tiong Cheng said: "If you are buying for investment, better take a look at the rental market. It's becoming even more challenging."

Even as the inflow of foreign talent remains tight and some foreign banks lay off staff, completion of private homes remains at elevated levels.

The number of private homes completed climbed from 10,329 in 2012 to a record 19,941 units in 2014.

Last year, the figure fell 4.9 per cent to 18,971 units, but this year, it is again expected to spike to a fresh high of 21,906 units, based on data submitted by developers to the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA).

Next year, the figure is projected to ease to 14,351 units.

With more completions, vacancy levels have been rising, and rents, sliding.

The vacancy rate for private homes crept up from 5.4 per cent at end-2012 to 8.1 per cent at the end of last year.

The URA's overall rental index for private homes retreated at a quicker pace of 4.6 per cent last year, against the 3.0 per cent drop in 2014.

Among non-landed properties, those in the suburbs or Outside Central Region (OCR) posted the steepest fall in rent last year - 5.6 per cent, compared with falls of 3.8 per cent in Core Central Region (CCR) and 4.9 per cent in the city-fringe or Rest of Central Region (RCR).

This was not surprising. Ong Teck Hui, national director at JLL, noted that nearly three-quarters (about 72 per cent) of the new private homes completed islandwide last year were in OCR. This was a substantial increase from a 48 per cent share in 2014.

"This has put significant pressure on the suburban leasing market, as owners struggle to find tenants, driving rents south."

This year, rents are expected to post an even bigger drop.

As DTZ South-east Asia chief executive Ong Choon Fah said: "There's a lot of new project completions this year. So tenants will either choose to stay put and negotiate for lower rents or within the same rental budget, upgrade to a larger, better-located or newer property."

She added, however, that properties near MRT stations and amenities will continue to be resilient.

ERA Realty Network key executive officer Eugene Lim said he expects the URA's overall rental index for private homes to post a bigger drop of between 5 and 8 per cent this year.

He also expects its overall price index for private homes to ease by 4 to 6 per cent. (Last year, the index declined 3.7 per cent; the year before, it fell 4 per cent.)

Said DTZ's Mrs Ong: "My guess is that the drop in the price index this year will be similar to last year - provided the economy stays on track and there are no external shocks."

In the non-landed segment, the price index for OCR last year fell at a faster pace of 3.7 per cent, compared with the 2.2 per cent decline in 2014.

The other two regions posted slower price falls.

In CCR, the index fell 2.5 per cent after having eased 4.1 per cent in 2014; in RCR, prices shed 4.3 per cent in 2015, after slipping 5.3 per cent in 2014.

Amid a slowdown in state land sales, the pipeline supply of private homes has shrunk steadily - from a high of 88,623 units at end-Q1 2013 to 55,638 at end-Q4 2015. "This provides some support for prices of private homes," said Mrs Ong.

The number of resale transactions of private homes rose 24.1 per cent to 6,160 in 2015 from 2014.
Cushman & Wakefield head of research Christine Li expects a step-up in resale activity this year, as more owners of units purchased following the January 2011 introduction of the higher-rate seller's stamp duty (SSD) cross the four-year holding period; after this, they will no longer be liable for any SSD payment if they divest their properties.

She said: "This could incentivise those who have broken even or even made some capital gains to offload their properties in the market. So 2016 will be a good year for bargain hunters, as home prices will be more affordable."

This article was first published on Jan 23, 2016. 

Monday, Jan 25, 2016
The Business Times

Source: AsiaOne

Sunday 24 January 2016

Release of 4th Quarter 2015 real estate statistics - URA

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) released today the real estate statistics for 4th Quarter 2015.1


Private residential market at a glance:
Prices and Rentals
Prices of private residential properties decreased by 0.5% in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 1.3% decline in the previous quarter. For the whole of 2015, prices fell by 3.7%, compared with the 4.0% decline in 2014.
Property Price Index of private residential properties
Price decline was observed in Core Central Region (CCR) and Rest of Central Region (RCR). Prices of non-landed properties in Outside Central Region (OCR) remained unchanged (see Annexes A-1 [PDF, 26kb]A-2[PDF, 16kb] & A-62 [PDF, 18kb] ). For the whole of 2015, prices in CCR, RCR and OCR declined by 2.5%, 4.3% and 3.7% respectively.
Prices of landed properties declined by 1.8%, compared to the 0.4% decline in the previous quarter. For the whole of 2015, prices of landed properties declined by 4.1%.
Rentals of private residential properties fell 1.3% in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 0.6% decline in the previous quarter. For the whole of 2015, rentals of private residential properties fell by 4.6%.
Rental Index of private residential properties
The rental decline was observed across all segments of the private residential property market. Rentals of non-landed properties fell 0.4% in CCR, 1.6% in RCR and 1.8% in OCR, compared to the declines of 0.4%, 0.8% and 1.1% respectively in the previous quarter (see Annexes A-3 [PDF, 27kb] & A-4 [PDF, 18kb]). For the whole of 2015, rentals of non-landed properties in CCR, RCR and OCR declined by 3.8%, 4.9% and 5.6% respectively.
Rentals of landed properties declined by 2.3%, compared with the 0.1% decline in the previous quarter.  For the whole of 2015, rentals of landed properties fell by 4.5%.
Launches and Take-up
Developers launched 1,333 uncompleted private residential units (excluding Executive Condominiums, ECs) for sale in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 2,435 units in 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annex C-1 [PDF, 19kb]).  For the whole of 2015, developers had launched 7,056 units, compared with 7,693 units in 2014.
Developers sold 1,603 private residential units (excluding ECs) in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 2,410 units sold in 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annex D [PDF, 117kb] ).   For the whole of 2015, developers sold 7,440 units, compared with 7,316 units in 2014.
Number of private housing units launched and sold by developers (excluding ECs)
Developers launched 505 EC units for sale in 4th Quarter 2015 and sold 573 EC units over the same period (see Annex F [PDF, 31kb]). For whole of 2015, 2,550 EC units were sold, compared with 1,578 EC units in 2014.
Resales and Sub-sales
There were 1,464 resale transactions in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 1,619 units transacted in the previous quarter. Resale transactions accounted for 45.8% of all sale transactions in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 38.9% in 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annex D [PDF, 117kb]). For the whole of 2015, there were a total of 6,160 resale transactions, compared to the 4,964 transactions in 2014.
There were 132 sub-sale transactions in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 130 units transacted in 3rd Quarter 2015. Sub-sales accounted for 4.1% of all sale transactions in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 3.1% in 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annex D [PDF, 117kb]). For the whole of 2015, there were a total of 517 sub-sale transactions, compared with 567 transactions in 2014.
Number of resale and sub-sale transactions for private residential units (excluding ECs)
Supply in the Pipeline
As at the end of 4th Quarter 2015, there was a total supply of 55,6383 uncompleted private residential units (excluding ECs) in the pipeline, compared to the 58,348 units in 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annexes E-1 [PDF, 90kb] & E-24 [PDF, 86kb]). Of this number, 23,271 units remained unsold as at 4th Quarter 2015 (see Annexes B-1 [PDF, 12kb] & B-2 [PDF, 18kb]). After adding the supply of 14,127 EC units in the pipeline, there were 69,765 units in the pipeline. Of the EC units in the pipeline, 6,744 units remained unsold.
Based on the expected completion dates reported by developers, 26,467 units (including ECs) will be completed in 2016.  Another 17,234 units (including ECs) will be completed in 2017. In comparison, 22,267 units (including ECs) were completed in 2015.
Pipeline supply of private residential units and ECs by expected year of completion
Stock and Vacancy
The stock of completed private residential units (excluding ECs) increased by 5,299 units in 4th Quarter 2015. The vacancy rate of completed private residential units (excluding ECs) increased to 8.1% at the end of 4th Quarter 2015, from 7.8% at the end of 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annex E-1 [PDF, 90kb]).
Stock and vacancy of private residential units (excluding ECs)


Office market at a glance:
Prices and Rentals
Prices of office space decreased by 0.1% in 4th Quarter 2015, the same the previous quarter (see Annex A-1[PDF, 26kb]). Rentals of office space fell by 1.8% in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the decline of 2.9% in 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annexes A-3 [PDF, 27kb] & A-5 [PDF, 93kb]).  For the whole of 2015, prices of office space had declined by 0.1% while rentals had declined by 6.5%.
Property Price Index of office space
Rental Index of office space in Central region
Supply in the Pipeline
As at the end of 4th Quarter 2015, there was a total supply of about 993,000 sq m GFA of office space in the pipeline (see Annexes E-1 [PDF, 90kb] & E-2 [PDF, 86kb]).
Pipeline supply of office space
Stock and Vacancy
The amount of occupied office space decreased by 10,000 sq m (nett) in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 15,000 sq m (nett) increase in the previous quarter. The stock of office space decreased by 21,000 sq m (nett) in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the decrease of 3,000 sq m (nett) in the previous quarter. As a result, the island-wide vacancy rate of office space at the end of 4th Quarter 2015 fell to 9.5%, from 9.6% at the end of 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annexes A-5 [PDF, 93kb] & E-1 [PDF, 90kb]).
Stock and vacancy of office space


Retail market at a glance:
Prices and Rentals
Prices of retail space decreased by 0.1% in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the decrease of 0.3% in the previous quarter (see Annex A-1 [PDF, 26kb]). Rentals of retail space decreased by 1.3% in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the decrease of 2.0% in 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annexes A-3 [PDF, 27kb] & A-5 [PDF, 93kb]).  For the whole of 2015, prices of retail space had declined by 0.8% while rentals had declined by 4.1%.
Property Price Index of retail space
Rental Index of retail space in Central region
Supply in the Pipeline
As at the end of 4th Quarter 2015, there was a total supply of 808,000 sq m GFA of retail space from projects in the pipeline (see Annexes E-1 [PDF, 90kb] & E-2 [PDF, 86kb]).
Pipeline supply of retail space
Stock and Vacancy
The amount of occupied retail space increased by 8,000 sq m (nett) in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the decrease of 13,000 sq m (nett) in the previous quarter. The stock of retail space increased by 22,000 sq m (nett) in 4th Quarter 2015, compared to the 24,000 sq m (nett) decrease in the previous quarter. As a result, the island-wide vacancy rate of retail space rose to 7.2% at the end of 4th Quarter 2015, from 7.0% at the end of 3rd Quarter 2015 (see Annexes A-5 [PDF, 93kb] & E-1 [PDF, 90kb]).
Stock and vacancy of retail space


More detailed information on the price and rental indices, supply in the pipeline, stock and vacancy rates of the various property sectors can be found in the Real Estate Information System (REALIS), an online database of URA.
More information on REALIS can be found at https://spring.ura.gov.sg/lad/ore/login/index.cfm. You can also call the REALIS hotline at 6329 3456. 
1Statistics in this press release are based on quarter to quarter comparisons, unless otherwise stated.
2The prices of private residential properties are not uniform and vary from project to project. Home-buyers can view more detailed information on transactions of private residential properties at: https://www.ura.gov.sg/realEstateIIWeb/transaction/search.action. Similar information can also be accessed by users on the go via URA’s iphone/ipad application. The application can be downloaded directly fromhttps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/property-market-information/id428469176?mt=8&ls=1.
3Projects in the pipeline refer to new development and redevelopment projects with planning approval, i.e. either Provisional Permission (PP) or Written Permission (WP).
4More detailed data on supply in the pipeline by market segment, development status and expected year of completion can be found at https://www.ura.gov.sg/realEstateIIWeb/supply/search.action

Summary of Key Information for 4th Quarter 2015
Annex A-1a [PDF, 14kb]Comparison of Property Price Index for 3rd Quarter 2015 and 4th Quarter 2015
Annex A-1b [PDF, 14kb]Comparison of Property Price Index for 2014 and 2015
Annex A-2 [PDF, 16kb]Price Indices of Non-Landed Properties by Locality
Annex A-3a [PDF, 14kb]Comparison of Rental Index for 3rd Quarter 2015 and 4th Quarter 2015
Annex A-3b [PDF, 14kb]Comparison of Rental Index for 2014 and 2015
Annex A-4 [PDF, 18kb]Rental Indices of Non-Landed Properties by Locality
Annex A-5 [PDF, 93kb]Median Rentals and Vacancy of Office and Retail Space
Annex A-6 [PDF, 18kb]Chart of Property Price Index by Type of Property
Annex A-7 [PDF, 15kb]Chart of Residential Property Price Index by Type
Annex B-1 [PDF, 12kb]Number of Unsold Private Residential Units from Projects with Planning Approvals
Annex B-2 [PDF, 18kb]Number of Unsold Private Residential Units from Projects with Planning Approvals by Market Segment
Annex C-1 [PDF, 19kb]Number of Uncompleted Private Residential Units Launched in the Quarter by Market Segment
Annex C-2 [PDF, 21kb]Number of Private Residential Units Sold in the Quarter by Market Segment
Annex D [PDF, 117kb]Number of New Sale, Sub-Sale and Resale Transactions for Private Residential Units by Market Segment
Annex E-1 [PDF, 90kb]Stock & Vacancy and Supply in the Pipeline as at End of 4th Quarter 2015
Annex E-2 [PDF, 86kb]Supply in the Pipeline by Development Status and Expected Year of Completion as at End of 4th Quarter 2015
Annex E-3 [PDF, 15kb]Pipeline Supply of Private Residential Units and Executive Condominiums by Expected Year of Completion
Annex F [PDF, 31kb]Number of Executive Condominium Units Launched and Sold in the Quarter
Source: URA

Published Date: 22 Jan 2016